
at Latin Beauty Academy

Latin Beauty Academy has designed the School Curriculum to support the students acquire fresh knowledge and skills based on the high demand of the current industry. Our students as future professionals are eager to embrace the challenge of their careers, looking for the benefits that the selected career will allow them. The following Academic Programs have been extended its length to be a part of thoughtful planning for classroom instruction  and practice salons and labs. In this tab, each rationale describes detailly how the courses were adapted to the required hours by the State, for each career.  While rationales are important in every aspect of teaching, the faculty, advisory committee members, students, and school administration were focused, in general, on the need for a well-developed school curriculum. Through this publication and as it is required by our National Accreditation: NACCAS, each applicant is provided and acknowledges receipt of written rationale for completing the additional hours and the benefits to be derived from the additional training.